
Explore Fishingin Kerry

A fishing journey of a lifetime awaits along 179km of coastal road on the Ring of Kerry

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Welcome to Fishing Kerry

A county of exceptional beauty. The coastal areas of Kerry provide the perfect habitat for a wide range of fish with endless options.

Ring Of Kerry

A diverse coastline with a rich variety of marine life, the Ring Of Kerry is blessed with an abundance of locations for those looking to land their catch of the day.

Shore Angling

Irish shore angling is one of the most popular styles of fishing in Kerry. Not only is there a various type of fish species but it is available throughout the year for anglers.

Deep Sea Angling

Irish deep sea fishing is one of the most sought after experiences for an angler in Ireland. For a professional or an amateur angler, there is a wide range of charter boats available for deep sea fishing. One of the most popular deep sea fishing locations in Ireland on a charter boat is Dingle, located in County Kerry.

Discover Ireland

Ireland has over 70,000 km of river channels and over 12,000 lakes. And with such a mild climate it’s easy to understand why it’s an excellent location for fishing.

The list below is some of the most caught and popular fish species anglers catch in Ireland. Note for some of these fish species you may require a license. To learn more, visit rules and regulations which will explain in detail what is required for each fish species.

  • Cod
  • Thornback Ray
  • Sea Bass
  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Pike

Common Fish Species


Most popular locations to fish in Kerry. Each location has specific species of fish that are common to that area.

Click on each location to see it on the map

Blackwater Pier

Conger, dogfish, flounder, mackerel, pollock , thornback ray and trigger fish.


Conger, dogfish, bullhuss, pollock and ballan wrasse.

Lamb’s Head

Conger, dogfish, bullhuss, pollock and ballan wrasse.


Sea bass, coalfish, cod, flounder, mullet, sea trout, golden grey mullet and turbot.

Hog's Head

Sea bass, cod, dab, dogfish, mullet, pollock and ballan wrasse.

Waterville Beach

Sea bass, dogfish, flounder and plaice.

Inny Strand

Sea bass, dogfish, flounder and golden grey mullet.

St. Finian’s Bay

Sea bass, cod, dab, flounder, thornback ray, turbot and whiting.


Cod, conger, dogfish, mackerel, polloch and ballan wrasse.


Conger, dogfish, bullhuss, thornback ray and trigger fish.

Lough Kay

Sea bass, flounder, bullhuss and thornback ray.


Cod, dogfish, flounder, sting ray, thornback ray, sea trout, golden grey mullet, tope and turbot.

How to Catch

Kerry offers a wide variety of fish for most anglers. As different fishing spots in Kerry contain species of fish local to that area, as an angler make the correct choice where to fish next.

Hover over each card to see more information

Sea Bass

When it comes to catching bass, every season has its opportunities and challenges. Sea bass can caught by surf fishing, plugging, spinning and fly fishing.


Popular baits are lugworm, peeler crab and sandeel. Spinners work great, not only for sea bass but trout. For some excitement, anglers can plug or spin from the rocky shores.


You can catch mackerel at any time of day, especially from a boat. However, by tradition, mackerel fishing is best in the morning.


A popular method of catching mackerel is to use mackerel feather lures. These lures are retrieved through the water, mimicking small bait fish.

Thornback Ray

In most cases rays are caught well out past the surf line. Rarely are they found under your feet. Can be caught on baits or lures.


The pulley rig is a single hook rig that mixes the idea of a flowing trace with a mono paternoster. A popular rig used for rays.


Lure fishing is an effective way to catch pollock, with spinners, plugs and especially jelly lures all being used to fish pollock.


Lures such as the Savage Gear sand eels, or minnow imitation lures, such as the popular Fiiish Black Minnow work the best when fishing for pollock.


Flounder are found mostly close to the shore. Over the winter, they migrate to the ocean and do not normally go back to shallow waters until springtime.


Best baits to use are mullet, menhaden, croakers, spot and mud minnows. Either use 3/0 to 5/0 circle hooks or a 2/0-4/0 worm hook for flounder fishing.


Conger are best caught using whole live fish, hooked through the upper jaw behind the lip, with mackerel, pouting and whiting being the best options.


The conger eel will often follow the bait off the bottom before being hooked and can then be played in open water, away from any snags.

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